MASKS HUMAN ODORS - Our hunting scent eliminator masks your human scent from deer and replaces it with a Sweet Corn Scent.
SWEET CORN SCENT - Masking scent blocker for hunting works great at replacing your scent with a familiar surrounding scent deer feel comfortable around.
Versatile, all-natural blended buck urine
Simulates the presence of intruding bucks
Use early in the season as a curiosity scent then late in the season as a territorial-infringement attractant
Premium blended doe urine collected during the estrous cycle
Draw in rutting bucks with the scent of does in heat
Available in a 2 fl. oz. bottle, 4 fl. oz. bottle, or a triple pack of three (3) 2 fl. oz. bottles
PREORBITAL GLAND SCENT – Pure Whitetail Preorbital Gland Scent provides an intense deer forehead gland scent that bucks can’t ignore. Dominant bucks will instinctually want to defend their territory. Our scent is never frozen and is not held over from the prior season. No additives or preservatives ensures your bottle
Induces a territorial challenge, driving mature bucks to seek out the unknown or invading buck
Works great throughout the hunting season Improves your odds when rattling and grunting
Excellent to use with your buck decoy set-up Great to use in scrapes and mock scrapes