Refill pack of four wax tubes of EverCalm for EverCalm Stink Stick Stink Stick’s innovative scent dispersion can now be used with ConQuest Scents EverCalm wax-stick formula to create the ultimate scent combination!. ConQuest Scents wax-stick formula prevents spilling, accidental leaks in your pocket or backpack and a mess that can end up on your fingers (which you smell during lunch).. ConQuest’s stick formula requires no preservatives so you get 100% pure,unpreserved scent! And, it will not break down in temperatures less than 100 Degree F.
Stink stick
Evercalm deer Herd scent
Dispenser not included
The World’s First Calming Scent
Wax-Stick Formula: No Spills. No Leaks. No Mess. No Preservatives.
Effective All Season Long: Calms And Attracts By Placing Deer At Ease
Refills For EverCalm Stink Stick