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Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Bachelor Group | Whitetail Buck Urine | Fresh 100% Pure Mock Scrape Urine | Cover Scent from Multiple Bucks | Deer Pee | Buck Scent | 4 oz Bottle
Certified – Pure Whitetail Bachelor Group buck pee is always bottled fresh. Additionally, our deer herd located in Middletown, Ohio, USA is State Certified CWD free.
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Ladies Night Out Doe Urine (Non-Estrous) | Fresh Doe Urine
HOW TO USE – Use early and late season in mock scrapes and on overhanging licking branches with Pure Whitetail’s flexible scents (Flex Wick) as a deer scent and calming scent. Use on doe urine drag lines around your tree stands and blinds. You can also apply some on the
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Power Shot Estrous Doe Scent | Time Releasing Scent Beads | Fresh 100% Pure Estrous Urine from One Doe in Heat | Mock Scrape Scent | 4 oz Bottle
FRESH DOE URINE – Pure Whitetail Power Shot Estrous Doe Scent contains time releasing scent beads infused with 100% pure deer urine collected from one doe in Pure Whitetail’s deer herd. Collected fresh, filtered, bottled and shipped directly to you. Our deer urine is never frozen, or held over from
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Spell Bound Power Dust
NATURAL DEER SCENT – Pure Whitetail’s non-urine-based line of Natural Scents includes the most potent long-range deer scents and cover scents available. Pure Whitetail scents offer a variety of great scrape options to match your hunting needs. When you need a scent-based deer call for the whitetail deer in your
Pure Whitetail | Synthetic Premium Doe Estrous Urine | Doe in Heat Urine Scent | Mock Scrape Scent | 4 oz Bottle
SYNTHETIC DEER URINE (ESTROUS) – Hunters know the best buck call is the enticing scent of a doe in heat. Pure Whitetail Synthetic Premium Doe Estrous Urine is designed to perform. Perfect for use everywhere, especially in states or areas restricting use of natural deer urine scents. Bucks enjoy the
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Ultra Premium Doe Estrous Urine
HOW TO USE – Use during the pre-rut and rut seasons in mock scrapes and on overhanging licking branches. Create a doe in heat scent wick with Pure Whitetail’s flexible scents (Flex Wick) as a mock scrape scent and calming scent. Use on doe drag lines like around your tree
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | Ultra-Premium Doe Estrous Urine | 2 oz Bottle | 100% Pure Mock Scrape Scent for Scent Wick or Drag Line | Doe Pee for Hunting | Urine from One Individual Doe in Heat
DOE ESTROUS URINE – Our Ultra-Premium Doe Estrous is 2 ounces of 100% pure estrous urine from a single doe in heat. The urine is fresh, never frozen, contains zero additives or preservatives, and isn’t held over from the previous season making it the strongest mock scrape scent for deer.
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | White Lightning Peak Estrous Urine | Doe in Rut Scent | Doe Pee Mock Scrape Scent | Estrous Doe Urine | Fresh Natural Deer Pee | 4 oz Bottle
DOE ESTROUS URINE – Pure Whitetail White Lightning Peak Estrous Urine is 2 ounces of 100% pure doe estrous urine from a single doe in heat. The doe urine is fresh, never frozen, contains zero additives or preservatives, and isn’t held over from the previous season making it the strongest
Categories: Deer Scents
Pure Whitetail | White Lightning Power Dust – Peak Estrous | Doe Scent Mock Scrape Scent | Estrous Scent from One Doe During Peak Estrous Cycle 4 oz Bottle
NATURALLY EFFECTIVE – Pure Whitetail’s Natural Scents includes the most potent long-range deer scents and cover scents available. Add the most crucial component to your deer mock scrape kit. Pure Whitetail scents offer a variety of great scrape options to match your hunting needs. When you need a scent-based deer