A great buy for the avid whitetail deer hunter! Pour the lure into the Scent Bomb® to soak the wick, then hang for all-day attraction. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is 100% natural doe estrous urine collected from live whitetail does during their estrous cycle. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut.
#69 DOE-IN-RUT BUCK LURE: The original formula is America’s #1 Buck Lure
USE DURING PRE-RUT AND RUT SEASONS: Lures bucks that are looking for a doe to breed
EASY TO USE: Convenient Squirt Top
SCENT BOMB: Use with buck lure to keep fresh lure in the air to attract more bucks to your hunting location
INCLUDES: Tink’s 2 Ounce #69 Doe-In-Rut Buck Lure Bottle & 1 Ounce Scent Bomb